Today I unlike in quite a while (a few weeks) really got anything done in terms of mystudies. Feels great. And it's been incredibly good to combine with caring for a 1.5year old at the same time. He has a tendency that he would like to join in and sit in your lap when you sit at your computer, and like to help to press the buttons or read a bookat once, making it a bit tedious. Now I just have to continue at this pace that I startedwith. I am however a bit nervous about the response to the first assignment that I sent in for about a week ago. Is not used to these studies and the criteria, rules withbibliography and plagiarism and everything. Managed of course use one (which I readafterwards) unauthorized source! What to do?! just so typical ...
måndag 16 maj 2011
Bra plugg
Idag har jag till skillnad på rätt länge (ett par veckor) verkligen fått någonting gjort vad gäller mina studier. Känns otroligt bra. Och det har gått otroligt bra att kombinera med att ta hand om en 1,5 åring samtidigt. Han har ju en tendens att han gärna vill vara med och sitta i knät när man sitter vid datorn, och gärna hjälpa till att trycka på knappar eller läsa en bok samtidigt, vilket gör det lite omständigt. Nu är det bara att fortsätta i det här tempot som jag kommit igång med. Jag är däremot lite nervös för responsen på första inlämningsuppgiften som jag skickat in för ca en vecka sen. Är inte van vid dessa studier och kriterier, bestämmelser med källförteckning och plagiat och allt. Lyckades naturligtvis använda en (som jag läste nu efteråt) otillåten källa! Vad göra?! så typiskt bara...
Today I unlike in quite a while (a few weeks) really got anything done in terms of mystudies. Feels great. And it's been incredibly good to combine with caring for a 1.5year old at the same time. He has a tendency that he would like to join in and sit in your lap when you sit at your computer, and like to help to press the buttons or read a bookat once, making it a bit tedious. Now I just have to continue at this pace that I startedwith. I am however a bit nervous about the response to the first assignment that I sent in for about a week ago. Is not used to these studies and the criteria, rules withbibliography and plagiarism and everything. Managed of course use one (which I readafterwards) unauthorized source! What to do?! just so typical ...
Today I unlike in quite a while (a few weeks) really got anything done in terms of mystudies. Feels great. And it's been incredibly good to combine with caring for a 1.5year old at the same time. He has a tendency that he would like to join in and sit in your lap when you sit at your computer, and like to help to press the buttons or read a bookat once, making it a bit tedious. Now I just have to continue at this pace that I startedwith. I am however a bit nervous about the response to the first assignment that I sent in for about a week ago. Is not used to these studies and the criteria, rules withbibliography and plagiarism and everything. Managed of course use one (which I readafterwards) unauthorized source! What to do?! just so typical ...
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Jaaa, fattar inte var de här två åren tagit vägen =) Synd jag såg det där lite sent men det vore trevligt å komma å hälsa på nån dag!
SvaraRaderaDet tycker jag absolut ni kan göra :)