Berättade häromdagen att jag halkat lite med mina studier. Ikväll har jag gjort en insats för att jobba ikapp. Så det här kommer nog att gå. Hade redan varit färdigt, men tyvärr har jag haft M att ta hand om i veckan. Han har haft feber och har världens hosta, ingen aptit och trytande humör (ingen mat-ingen energi).

Vi har som tur är ändå kunnat skratta och busa mellan varven, och mammas hjärtat har fått energi tillbaka. Älskar verkligen M, han är min prins!
Told me the other day that I slipped a little with my studies. Tonight, I made an effort tocatch up with work. So this will probably go. Had already been finished, butunfortunately I have had M to care for this week. He has had fever and has the world'scough, no appetite and mood-failing (no food-no energy).
Being at home with a sick child can be quite frustrating at times. When they do not eatlike they used to or even close. Yes, you get really worried! The patience of bothparties, will be tried is also a moment of frustration.
We has fortunately still able to laugh and have fun in between, and the mother's hearthas received energy back. I really love M, he is my prince!
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