Receptet hittade R på internet och det lyder som så:
125 g smör
0,5 dl socker
1 ägg
1,5 dl potatismjöl
Sätt ugnen på 175 grader. Rör smör, socker och vaniljsocker poröst. Observera att det inte är angivet i ingridienserna vaniljsockret. Jag körde 1 tsk. Tillsätt ägget under vispning. Tillsätt potatismjölet och rör ihop till en deg. 1,5 dl är på TOK för lite. vet inte exakt hur mycket jag tog men det var BRA MYCKET mer tillsatte tills det var en fast deg. Dessutom hade jag i lite po-fiber. Gör bollar av degen och lägg på plåt. Tryck en grop i varje, lägg i sylt. Grädda i 15 min!
The first time I have managed without failure. Feels really good! But next time I do themI'll probably skip the potato flour and run only gluten-flour mix. Do not they get quite asdry as they tend to be with potato flour. Cookie jar left the former owners of the houseand I'm incredibly happy, love them!
The recipe found R on the internet and it reads like so:
125g butter
0.5 cup sugar
1 egg
1.5 cups potato flour
Preheat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius. Stir butter, sugar and vanilla sugar fluffy. Note that it is not specified in the ingredients vanilla. I drove 1 tsp. Add the egg while whipping. Add the potato flour and stir into a dough. 1.5 cups is way too little. do not know exactly how much I took but it was a good deal more. I set up until there was astiff dough. Make balls of dough and place on plate. Press a hole in each, add the jam.Bake for 15 minutes!
125g butter
0.5 cup sugar
1 egg
1.5 cups potato flour
Preheat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius. Stir butter, sugar and vanilla sugar fluffy. Note that it is not specified in the ingredients vanilla. I drove 1 tsp. Add the egg while whipping. Add the potato flour and stir into a dough. 1.5 cups is way too little. do not know exactly how much I took but it was a good deal more. I set up until there was astiff dough. Make balls of dough and place on plate. Press a hole in each, add the jam.Bake for 15 minutes!
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